Industrial fairs of agricultural and social spheres organized
Industrial fairs ofagricultural and social spheres organized
Withinthe first phase of the Fifth International Industrial Fair and CooperationExchange, industrial fairs of agricultural and hydroeconomic utilities wereorganized at Uzexpocenter in Tashkent.
TheMinistry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan, public joint stockcompany Uzbekengilsanoat, Uzdonmahsulot and others offered their products andservices at the exhibition.
Increasedlocalization and production of import-substituting products is one of the majortasks of economic development. In this direction, the presidential decree “Onthe Program of localization of production of finished products, components andmaterials based on industrial cooperation for 2010” dated 23 March of 2010,serves as important program document.
About10 companies and nearly 100 water-operating agencies of the Ministry ofAgriculture and Water Resources demonstrated their ability to collaborate,expand the branch and inter-sectoral industrial cooperation.
OpenJoint Stock Company Suvmash launched production of more than 40 kinds of newand efficient pumps, which were previously imported. Electric pumps of thiscompany are widely used in urban, industrial and agricultural water supply,construction, public utilities, farms, mining and metallurgical industry. Theenterprise increases the volume of exports.
“Theannual industrial fairs strengthen ties between enterprises,” the chief ofsector coordination of industrial enterprises of the Ministry of Agricultureand Water Resources of Uzbekistan Umrbek Otajonov said. Enterprise Systems in2009 represented 60 types of products, this year – more than 80.
Thedemand is rising for radiators, compliance with climatic conditions andresistant to external influences, which are produced by the Uzbek-Russian jointventure Karshiradiator. The company produces more than 70 kinds of radiatorsfor buses, trucks and agricultural equipment. Its main customers are such largeenterprises as the Tashkent Tractor Plant, Mahsustranshizmat, State Committeeof Geology and Mineral Resources and Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine.
Thefair widely featured the products of the company Uzbekengilsanoat. Along withother areas, textile industries successfully have been developing in Uzbekistan.Currently, special attention is paid to the production of import-substitutingproducts based on the localization of production, development of cooperationwith other industries.
“Basedon the Localization Program we began the production of poplin and gabardine,”said the general manager of the joint venture Cotton Road Tulkin Akhmadaliev.“Last year was exported 80% of all manufactured products. Our company employs800 people.”
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Thesame day the trade industrial fair of educational, health, social protection,information systems and telecommunications companies opened at Uzexpocenter.
Thefair aimed to assist enterprises in establishing long term businessrelationships, supply of raw materials, expanding opportunities for theproduction of new products through the development of interdisciplinary andinternational cooperation, assistance in attracting partners and foreigninvestors.
Theproducts and services at the fair were represented by the Ministry of PublicEducation, Higher and Secondary Special Education, Health Ministry,,Uzinfocom , etc. More than 70 enterprises operating in the fields of education,health, pharmacy, printing, information and communication technologies alsopresented their products at the fair.
Industrialfairs provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the products and servicesoffered by its members to sign contracts for the manufacture and supply ofproducts for the coming year, develop a portfolio of orders. The event servedas presentation of new products of businesses and organizations participatingin trade fair.
TheDeputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan A. Aripov spoke at the opening of thefairs. (Source: UzA News Agency)